Friday, November 29, 2013

IGo-day 4-even more on the command of Jesus

It would seem ridiculous if you took a random person off the street, put him in a major baseball uniform and tell him he is starting for the New York Yankees later that night. When he asks if he gets any instruction or practice, you just tell him to show up 15 minutes before the first pitch. When he gets there, you have him watch a 5 minute tutorial on how to "look good" when batting and fielding. By the time the game is over, he struck out three times and caused 2 fielding errors, but he did look good doing it.

This could never happen in baseball, but it does seem to happen in the church occasionally. We help unbelievers hear the call of Christ for salvation, bring them into the body life of the church through membership and baptism, and leave them on their to own to figure out the rest. This is why The command of Jesus is not just to make converts who belong to the church, but rather to make disciples who get involved in church AND who know what they believe and why they believe it.

Jesus said, " teaching them to obey everything I have commanded..." Part of making disciples is mentoring or "discipling" this person. When Jesus spoke this to His disciples  the Bible didn't yet exist, so He was telling His disciples to invest deeply in the lives of others. The disciples would have to tell the stories, recall all the teachings, and share of their faith personally.

In our context, this brings us back to the idea of making a LONG-TERM investment in the lives of others. Jesus doesn't call us just to get people to accept His gospel message, He calls us to invest in the lives of unbelievers so that they become true followers of Jesus. 

Looking back in my own life, I am thankful for those who invested deeply in my life when I was in high school and college. My worship pastor, Allen Cade had the most profound influence in my life. Allen invested countless hours into my life and is the main reason I lead worship today. Some of the parents in our small church, Darlene Espy, Danny Loe, Lamar Nelson and others made a hug impact as well. And then there were the teenagers...Laura Wright Anderson, Jeff Word, Bart Magowan, Rob Storey, Mark Carder, Alicia Espy Swift, Bill Espy...all of these teenagers and others made me feel like I belonged at their church and, in one way or another, encouraged me in my faith. I would not be in ministry today if it weren't for these and others "teaching me to obey everything..."

Today the process continues...I am blessed to serve with Pastor Ron who is a quiet but very encouraging mentor in my life..and, of course, my amazing wife Kelley has walked with me every step of my ministry life. She is my greatest encourager and a perfect partner in ministry.

Who makes your list of those who invested in your life? Where would you be without them? Take some time this weekend and thank them for their investment.

An even better question...who would list us as one of their biggest investors? Who do we need to spend more time with?

Dear God, today I am thankful for those who invested in my life. Give me the courage and strength to invest that same love into others that they may grow into maturity in You! In Jesus name, amen.


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