Saturday, November 23, 2013

iServe-Day 6-My experiences complete my shape

Experiences complete the final piece of our SHAPE. Every aspect of our SHAPE-spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences-work together to empower us for ministry. 

Together they tell us the what, where, how, and why of our ministry service in the church. The last one, our experiences, gives us the flavoring for our ministry with God's people.

As we grow older and more mature in our faith, God will open more doors of ministry for us based on our life experiences.

If we have experienced tragedy and loss, we will be able to minister to those in the midst of loss. Divorce, addictions, suicide, adoption, death, financial crisis, and more-these are the realities that we face every day. Those going through tough times don't want to hear glib cliches from people who seemingly have perfect lives. Being able to say "I've been there", opens the door for trust and healing.

Take a few moments today to write down your experiences both good and bad. It may be that God may give you an opportunity to invest in lives based on a common shared experience. That's part of the human experience.

Dear God, today I am thankful for my life experiences. I surrender these experiences to you. Lead me to people who are need of your love and encouragement in difficult times. In Jesus name, amen.

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