Thursday, November 21, 2013

iServe-Day 4-I have abilities to serve

I hope you are enjoying the journey of discovering your SHAPE for ministry!

Once you have discovered your Spiritual Gifts and your heart for ministry, you can turn your attention toward the next letter in SHAPE. 

A stands for ability-your natural born talents and abilities. It should be fairly easy for you to know what your abilities are. Think back to your childhood...what have you always been good at? Are you musically gifted? Are you good at sports?   Cooking? 

These abilities can partner with your Spiritual gifts and Heart to empower you for ministry.

What are you main abilities? How do they relate to your gifts and passion? Do you get to use your abilities on a regular basis?

Start thinking now how you can use your abilities to serve in the church. 

Remember that God knows your abilities...He desires your availability.

Dear God, thank you for creating me with different abilities. Help me to find my place in your church to serve and use my abilities to glorify you! In Jesus Name, amen.

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