Tuesday, November 26, 2013

iGo-Day 2-the Command of Jesus

When we look closely at the Great Commission, we understand that the assumption of Jesus was that His disciples would be going out to continue His message. The command contained in this passage is, having gone out into the world, to MAKE DISCIPLES.

A Disciple is a person who chooses to place their trust in Jesus, repent of their sinful lifestylle, and follow HIm no matter the cost. This is in contrast to simply making converts...which is the obsession of some forms of American Christianity. To often have I offered and even participated In programs that offered the cheap grace of "all you need to do is pray this prayer and your place in heaven is assured." 

The problem with this approach is that it seems to be the opposite of what Jesus required. It seems to me that Jesus would have said, "All you need to do is repent of your sins, surrender your heart and life to Me, and follow Me at any cost." In scripture, He put to this way in Luke 9:23...

Then He said to them all: “Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me." 

This seems to be a much more serious commitment than just praying a prayer or walking an aisle during the invitation, especially if emotional manipulation or coercion is used. 

This is the commitment that we are called honor in the Great Commission. The command of Jesus is build long-term relationships with unbelievers living out a life of faith that causes them to wonder what this "Jesus stuff" is all about. Believing that only God can save someone, we give them all the time they need to consider the call of Jesus for salvation. Instead of them being our project, they are actually our friends. When they do finally surrender their lives to Christ, it is a decision that is made with much thought and prayer.

This is the call of Jesus in the Great Commission, to share our faith and help others embrace the miracle of salvation that Jesus offers. But this is only the beginning of the process which is life-long in the life of a every believer. In churchy words, this is called justification. The next part of the process, growing to be like Jesus, is called sanctification.

Dear God, I truly want to follow Your command to share my faith with those who don't yet know You. This week, open my eyes to opportunities all around me to share my faith, even with my own family. Give me a heart that rejoices as You rejoice with those who surrender their hearts to You! In Jesus name, amen.

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