Friday, November 8, 2013

iGrow-Day 5-Have you Asked God?

Read Proverbs 16:1-9

Recently a young man called me for advice. He had been offered a new job which would mean some significant changes for his wife and family. After giving a lengthy description of the entire situation, he was hoping for me to give my blessings on this new chapter in his life. After hearing everything about this new opportunity, I asked him one simple question: “What does God say about this?” The ensuing silence told me that he hadn’t even thought to pray to understand God’s will in the matter.

Proverbs 16:9 states…
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.

I explained to the young man that the whole situation sounded good, but I encouraged him to spend several days in fasting and prayer asking God if this was His best plan for his career and his family. I challenged him that it was just like Satan to distract us from what is best for us by offering us something good instead. About a week later, he called back to say that he could not find a peace in prayer about taking the new job and that he had decided to stay where he was until God said otherwise.

As we continue to grow in our relationship with Jesus, let us learn to take every decision to the Lord because He can be trusted to lead us into His will.

What big decision are you facing today? Have you prayed about it? fasted?

Commit today to ask God to guide your every step each day.

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