Friday, November 22, 2013

iServe-Day 5-P is for personality

Read Psalm 139

As we continue our discovery of our God-given SHAPE, we must always celebrate the fact that God created us uniquely. Scripture clearly teaches us that God shaped us in the womb and that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made". We are God's workmanship not just in some ways, but in every way!

When it comes to our personality, some of us are very outgoing, others of us are very reserved. Some of us feed on being around people while some of us prefer to be alone. Still other of us are very task-focused working from a list each day while others are spontaneous and just want to invest in people.

None of these personality styles are better than another, they are just different. Yet, our personality style will dictate how and where you will serve in the body of Christ. Paul wrote that we are all part of one body and when we serve together, the body is at it's highest function.

Think about your you like to be up front or behind the scenes? Do you like to make lists or go with the flow? Do you love to be around people or more by yourself?

Spend some time praying today about God's unique design of your life. Commit to serving according to that design!

Dear God, I thank you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you for my personality...I know it is a gift from you. Give me the courage today to move toward serving in your church. In Jesus name, amen.

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