Friday, November 1, 2013

Welcome to Downtown Devotions!

Today at Downtown Fellowship, we talked about how God desires for us to be made more and more like Jesus everyday. 

Romans 8:29 states it this way, "For God knew His people in advance, and He chose them to become like His Son..." (NLT)

God wants us to grow to become like His son is our eternal destiny!

We learned today we need to develop Spiritual Disciplines or HABITS in order to truly grow in our relationship with Christ. The first of these HABITS that we talked about is HANG TIME with God, our having a daily time of scripture meditation and prayer.

That is where this blog comes into play. Each morning, I will post a short devotion for us to read together with a prayer emphasis for the day. It is my prayer that we will be able to grow together as a body of believers shaped into the image of Jesus.

See you tomorrow!

Pastor Mark

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