Tuesday, November 19, 2013

iServe-Day 2-Spiritual Gifts-the "what" of serving

Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and Romans 12:1-8

Once we have a clear understanding of the "why" of serving-to build up the body of Christ into maturity-it is time to start discovering our God-Given SHAPE.

In review, SHAPE stands for...

S-Spiritual Gifts

The scriptures tell us in Romans 8 that the Holy Spirit comes to live in us the moment we are saved, The role of the Holy Spirit is to lead us and teach us how to be more like Jesus each day. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us Spiritual Gifts-these gifts are part of our unique God-given SHAPE.

Maybe you haven't been serving simply because you are not sure WHAT you could do. Discovering your Spiritual Gifts tells you what you could do to serve in the church.

In the New Testament, there are two main lists of Spiritual Gifts, the first is found in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 and the other in Romans 12:4-8. Take a few minutes now and read through these passages and think about what gift seems to resonate with your heart. Ask those who know you best which one or two seems to fit best.

Once you discover your gifts, you will know what you could do in serving. Don't forget that we provided a SHAPE survey on Sunday to help you progress through this process. Work through the first part of this today.

Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for teaching and leading me to be more like Jesus. Thank you for giving me Spiritual Gifts that you want me to use to serve your church. Help me discover these gifts and find my place of service. In Jesus Name, Amen

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