Wednesday, November 20, 2013

iServe-Day 3-Heart-the "where" of serving

As we continue on our journey towards discovering our God-given SHAPE, we next consider our HEART or passion for ministry.

Remember, we define SHAPE as

S-Spiritual Gifts

Your Heart or passion for ministry is that which gets you the most excited, keeps you up talking late at night, fuels your fire to give your best to God in service. Keep in mind that God created you with this passion hardwired into your DNA.

Job said it this way,,, "Your hands formed and shaped me..." Job 10:8

Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to DO GOOD WORKS which God prepared in advance for us to do."

So we are uniquely shaped by God (a masterpiece no less) for the purpose of serving Him!!! And...He already knows what He desires for us to do. It's our privilege to search that out and embrace our ministry God has for us.

Some people are very passionate about children's ministry, others hospitality, still others financial responsibility. There is no right or wrong answer to what your passion might be. Whereas discovering your spiritual gifts answers the "what should I do?" question, determining your heart or passion for ministry answers the "where should I serve" question. It's actually actually quite simple...if you are passionate about children, find a place of service within the children's ministry.

If you are passionate about new people feeling welcome and comfortable at the church, join the greeting ministry. If you have a gift and heart for finances, offer your expertise and passion to the finance team. These are just three examples, the possibilities are endless.

So ask yourself the question: "What am I most passionate about?" "What could I talk about late into the night?" Ask your spouse or family what they think your passion might be. Find consensus and more forward to find your place of serve!!

Dear God, I praise you that I am your masterpiece, your workmanship. You are unique and beautifully created me for service in your church. You have given me a heart and passion for your name. Help me to discover my passion and to find my place to faithfully serve You. In Jesus Name, amen.

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