Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 1-Walking in Grace-Our Identity in Christ

I hope you woke on this state hunting holiday, looked in the mirror and said "Today I will walk in the grace of my Savior. I am dearly loved and fully accepted by Him!"

Yesterday, we explored this Idea of identity in Christ. Our key point is that our identity is not determined by our BEHAVIOR bur rather by our NEW BIRTH is Jesus. Yet, we act like our acceptance with God rests on how good of a Christian we are able to be. It makes logical sense, but not scriptural sense. The Bible simply doesn't teach that our acceptance with God is tied into our behavior. Instead, it is completely based on our new birth. Consider this passage from John 1:12-13...

Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

For many years I worked as a youth and college pastor at different churches. While I loved pouring my life into the teenagers, everything changed when my oldest son Ben grew old enough to go on trips and be involved in the programs. He often tried to invoke a "youth pastor's son" privilege to get out of any activity he didn't want to do. But the truth was and is that he is my son and I love him far more and in a totally different way that I could ever love a teenager in my church. It was a totally different dynamic.  While the teenagers in our church could call me all of their nicknames (Jemarksus, JT Braswell, PM), Ben and the rest of my children can call me DAD.

This same principle works in our spiritual life. Before we surrender our lives to Christ, God is a cosmic creator who directs our lives from on high. When we surrender our lives to Jesus and are born again in Him, we move from being His creation to being His child. It is a special right we are given when we are adopted into God's family. We can call God "daddy".

Think of your own you cast them out of your house because they make mistakes? Are they your children because they were born into your family or because they behave exactly as you wish? Obviously, because they were born into your family because children don't always behave in the way we desire.

It works in a similar way with God. When we are adopted into His family through Jesus, we get all the rights and privileges of being His son or daughter. While we may disappoint Him with our choices and behavior, He bases our relationship with Him on our birth into His family not our behavior.

So rest assured today that God loves you and fully accepts you for who you are!

Dear God, help me to understand Your love for me and the rights and privileges I have as your son or daughter. Let Your spirit convince my heart that I am fully accepted by You. In Jesus name, amen.

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