Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 2-Walking in Grace-Why?

As we continue our discussion about the grace of God, why have to address the question of why we find it difficult to embrace the idea that God loves and accepts us unconditionally.

I want to suggest three possible reasons...

1. Cultural influences

Our culture tells us that we are what we do, that we are defined by our jobs and our daily roles within our family dynamics. Men especially are tied into their careers and tend to be defined by their job. I have heard men describe feeling lost after having lost their jobs. There is nothing wrong with celebrating the passions God gave you and finding fulfillment in the work we do. The issue comes when we translate this same way of thinking into our spiritual lives. In Christ, we are not defined by what we do, but rather by what He has done for us. If we couldn't do anything to earn our salvation what makes us think we can earn His favor after we are saved? That's what graceis all is UNDESERVED.

2. Negative past experiences

Childhood experiences can also affect our thinking about our identity in Christ. Disapproving or harsh parents, teachers, coaches, or relatives can change the way we interact with God. If we felt like we could never please our parents, we most likely will feel like we will never please God. If we were never good enough for our football coach, we most likely will never feel that we are good enough for God. (If you find this to be an issue for you, let me recommend a beautiful book entitled The Shack by William Young. ) If this way of thinking has been programmed into your brain, it will be a real challenge for you to view things differently in your relationship with God. However your past need not determine your future-there is freedom in Christ.

3. We have been deceived.

As we established this past Sunday, we have a real enemy who desires to destroy our relationship with God. If he can't keep us from surrendering our lives to Christ, then he will work to keep us from experiencing victory in our walk with Jesus. Consider this verse in 1 Peter 5...

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  (Verse 8)

One of the main ways he does this is to constantly heap condemnation on our heads for all of our faults and failures. He will constantly work to get us to believe that our acceptance or rejection with God hinges on our behavior. It is a boldfaced lie...and he knows it, but also he knows that we fall into these patterns of thinking so easily.

Yet, Romans 8:1 states very clearly...

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus

So clearly, it is all a lie. Our acceptance with God is based entirely on the righteousness of Christ and nothing else. If we feel condemned it is because we are condemning ourselves.

So does this mean we can live any way we want? That is the question we will try to tackle tomorrow!

Dear God, through Your Holy Spirit, help me to understand that as Your disciple I am not condemned by my faults and failures. Your sacrifice on the cross paid the penalty for my sins already and I stand blameless in Your sight clothed in the righteousness of Christ! In Jesus name, amen.

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