Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Midnight Ride

Read John 1:19-23 

On April 18,1775, Paul Revere was sent by horseback to warn those in the areas surrounding Boston of the advance of the British army. His "midnight" ride most likely saved the rebel armies certain defeat and was a key moment in birth of our wonderful country. Revere was entrusted with a message and a mission that changed the course of history.

We can never understand the burden that John carried as the predecessor to the Messiah. He was entrusted the message of repentance preparing the way for the earthly ministry of Jesus. One must imagine that Jesus and John, being cousins, we're very close. Maybe as teenagers, they laid out under a cloudless sky dreaming of the day when it would be time to announce the arrival of the Messiah. 

John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord." John 1:23 NIV

How exhilarating it must have been for John that first day out in the wilderness when he began calling sinners in the wilderness! His heart must have raced as he lived out his God-given mission. Each of us, like John, also have a God-given purpose entrusted to us to bring glory to God with our lives.

What is the God-given purpose and calling God has placed on your life?

What does it feel like when you are able to live out the mission God has given you?

Dear God, thank you for entrusting me with your special purpose for my life. May everything I do and say bring glory to Your name. In Jesus name, amen.

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