Friday, May 30, 2014

The Face of God

Read Numbers 6:24-26

Mothers seem to know how to speak with their facial expressions just as well as they do with real words. Their eyes, the mouths, and their furrowed brows communicate what their hearts and minds are feeling. With just by one look from Mom, children instantly know if they are in trouble or if they have done something really well. 

This well-known passage contains a blessing that the High Priest was to speak over the people of Israel. It makes mention of God’s face two different times.

“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

Part of this blessing is that God will make his face “shine on you” and that God will “turn his face toward you”, both powerful images of God’s love and acceptance of us.

Like children, we should be constantly looking to our Heaven Father’s face to catch a glimpse of His love for us and to experience the peace He has promised.

Who in your family speaks the most with their facial expressions? What do they say?

How does it make your feel to think about God turning His face towards you because He loves you?

Prayer Emphasis: Ask God to let His face shine upon you today!

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