Thursday, May 22, 2014

No Pain, No Gain

Read John 1:24-28

When I was dating my wife, my future father-in-law thought it would be funny to take me water skiing. He thought this because he knew I had never been water skiing. He was very protective of his daughter and thought he would teach me a lesson by making the experience as miserable as possible. He drove the boat far too fast and caused me to wipe out countless times. The next day I was so sore I could hardly walk. He walked by smiling and said, "Hey, no pain, no gain."

Even though John the Baptist was fully committed to preparing the way for Jesus, he must have had a sense that this arrival of God to earth would not go unnoticed and unchallenged. He was wise enough to know that powerful people like power and have little interest in giving it up. 

Now the Pharisees who had been sent questioned him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?” John 1:24-25 NIV

John also had strong knowledge of the scriptures and knew that it was prophecied that the Messiah would suffer for the sins of all mankind. He was also aware of the promises...that pain in his mission would ultimately bring the gain of salvation for all mankind.

What have we retreated from because the task was too difficult? The risk of pain too great? Let us believe that the call of God in our lives is far greater than any scheme of our enemy. The power that rose Christ from the grave most certainly empower our ministry for Jesus!

Dear God, help me to understand that while the power of the enemy is great, Your power is greater still. Empower me with boldness and courage to live out my purpose according to Your will for me. In Jesus name, ame

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