Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Just an Ordinary Day...

The blind man in John 9 had no idea that his life would be changed forever the day he met Jesus. It was an ordinary day. He was sitting on the side of the road begging as he did everyday. The plight of people with disabilities was very bleak in the days of Jesus. Because it was a time of little understanding of disease, sickness, and disability from a medical standpoint, conditions like blindness were considered a punishment from God for some sin committed by that person or even the parents. 

Consider John 9:1-2...

As Jesus went along, He saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 

Now Jesus, the creator of mankind knew better. He knew what caused blindness and knew that this moment was an opportunity to turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary day. Take alook at the next verse...

"Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. John 9:3 NIV

Obviously the disciples never considered another option...they just went with the conventional thinking of the day, which was wrong. How often had they done this? How little did they actually understand in the beginning?

What about me and you? What miracles have we missed because we thought already knew the answer? In what areas of our lives do we need to let Jesus work in miraculous ways?

How can Jesus turn this ordinary day into an extraordinary day?

Prayer Emphasis: Today, ask God to open your eyes to see the new answers to old questions and to see Him work miracles we could never take credit for.

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