Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Rock Concert...

Read Luke 19:20-40

Sometimes on a rainy day like today, children are forced to play inside. As they get more and more rowdy, their parents may ask them to use their "inside voices" or to play the quiet game in order to keep them from getting too loud and out of control. (Does this sound familiar?) This may work for a while, but children are children and it doesn't take long for the noise level to rise once again. That's the thing about children, they can't help being loud and boisterous when they are having fun.

The same should be able to be said about followers of Jesus. Not about being noisy and rowdy, but about boldly testifying of the wonderful things Jesus has done to transform lives. Jesus, the Savior of the world, died on the cross so that those who believe on Him and who follow Him could have life, real abundant life. The joy that comes from this life should be impossible to hold inside...praise and worship should be spontaneous...Christians should never play the quiet game when it comes to their faith in Christ.

As Jesus approached Jerusalem in what is called His triumphal entry, many of His followers and disciples lined the roads shouting and praising God for the coming of their conquering king. Fearing puinishment from the Romans who were occupying the city, the religious leaders urged Jesus to quiet his disciples and the crowd lest there be a confrontation. Jesus understood that the joy that comes from His transforming love is not easy to contain. He replied to the leaders in Luke 19:40...

“I tell you,” He replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” 

Today, far to many Christians play the quiet game when it comes to sharing the hope they have in Jesus with others. Fear of rejection and the unknown paralyze many from being able to be bold in living out their faith. But the love of Jesus is not a secret to be kept!!!

What would it look like for you to be bold and share your faith with your friends and family?

What is the main thing that holds you back from telling other about the hope you have in Jesus?

Prayer Emphasis: Ask God to give you the courage to be bold in telling others about the amazing life you have in Jesus!!

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