Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Dirty Hands, Seeing Eyes

Once Jesus had corrected the disciples' faulty thinking about the reason this man was born blind, Jesus approached the blind man to change his life forever. 

Let's take a moment and think about the plight of the blind man. Day by day he sits on the side of the road begging for a few loose coins to perpetuate his meager exisitence. He has been there so long that he had become a permanent fixture for most a lamppost or fire hydrant for us. We know its there but we raely even notice.  Take into account the societal belief that his blindness was caused by his parents sin in some way and you have a situation ripe for extreme isolation.

This blind man was ignored, looked over, judged, pitied, and forgotten on a daily basis. We don't find any account that the religious leaders took time to circulate through the city looking for people like the blind man to help.

It is possible that he lived a life of desperation with little to no real human contact. No hugs, no kisses, no human contact. This was the societal reaction to is condition.

Yet, here we see Jesus completely disregarding societal structures and going directly to the blind man. Let's take a look again at John 9...

After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” this word means “Sent”. So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. John 9:6-7 NIV

Jesus approaches the blind man and bends down right next to him. Amazingly, the Savior of the Univese stoops to enter this man's dark world. Jesus has His mission in mind-the redemption of His world. He spits on the ground and makes some mud and TOUCHES the blind man.

I find it quite curious that john does not record any prior conversation between Jesus and the blind man before Jesus rubs the mud on his eyes. Is it possible that Jesus simply starts rubbing mud on the man's eys? No one else will even bend own to engage him and Jesus is touching him. When the religious leaders were unwilling to get their hands dirty, Jesus was there rubbing mud on the man's eyes.

Isn't this what the Gospel is all about? Isn't this what God has called us to do each day? To keep our eyes open for those who are in great need and to get get our "hands dirty" helping those who have been overlooked by others?

Because Jesus didn't heal him on the spot but rather sent the blind man to wash in the pool, it is poossible that people paid very little attention to Jesus talking with the poor blind man. It wasn't until he came home seeing that the real commotion started.

What about us? Do we have eyes to see those who God wants us to help? Are we willing to get invloved and get our hards dirty if needed to minister to their needs? Are we willing to be Jesus to those who need Him most?

Prayer Emphasis: Ask Jesus today to give you eyes to see those in your life who are in need of His love and compassion. Commit to being willing to really get involved, to get your hands dirty to bring a healing touch into the lives of hurting people.

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