Thursday, March 13, 2014

Why did Jesus move into the neighborhood?

We have already established that Jesus was present with God "in the beginning" and that Jesus was the instrument through which God created the world. Intellectually, this would be fascinating if this was all that John chose to share with us in the first chapter of his gospel.

But there is something far more moving included in His discussion of the LOGOS in John 1. Perhaps the most overwhelming and humbling revelation comes in verse 14...

"The Word (LOGOS) became flesh and made His dwelling among us..."

Whoa...wait just a minute!! Does this verse say what I think it does? That this Jesus, the living Word of God who was present with God in the beginning...this same Jesus who created the galaxies became flesh and blood?

Why would He do such a preposterous thing?

I believe it goes back to the beginning. I believe that God knew that mankind would fall in the garden and would need to be redeemed before He spoke the first word of creation.  Even then Jesus was destined for the cross.

But what did it take for Jesus to take on flesh and blood? Jesus willingly stripped Himself of His sovereign power and became a frail human being...100% God and 100% man wrapped up in a mind-bending paradox...the presence of God manifested in human form here on earth.

Why did He do it?

Love. Love was and has continued to be the driving force behind God's desire to redeem us. The God of the galaxies created us in our mother's womb, numbered the hairs on our heads, and knows our name.

Eugene Peterson in his beautiful translation The Message translates verse 14 in this way..

"The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood."

In our hour of greatest need, Jesus invaded His world to bring us redemption...has there ever been a greater message?

Have you allowed Jesus to move into your neighborhood? Have you surrendered your heart and life to Him?

Dear Jesus, today I am humbled that even though You are the creator of the universe, You came to earth to redeem my broken life. Thank You for loving me more than I could ever understand." in Jesus Name, Amen.

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