Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Jesus-Lord of Creation

Yesterday, we discovered that Jesus first appears in the first verse of the Bible rather than at the manger. John 1:2 states that he was with God "in the beginning." The Gohead Trinity was present at the begiining of eternity.

So our question for today is "What was Jesus doing during creation?"

Let us turn again to John 1:1-3...

John 1:1-3 In 

the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. 

According the John 1:3, Jesus was the instrument of creation through which all things were made. What this means exactly is hard to grasp...it is one of the mysteries of creation. God created all things through Jesus but we are not told exactly how that worked.

The Alexandrian Jew Philo talked about the LOGOS by which God made the world and all things. He said that God, the pilot of the universe, held the LOGOS as a tiller and with it steered all things.

But John's main point here was deeper that how Jesus was present and active at creation. He was confronting a first century heresy called Gnosticism which taught that original matter was flawed and that Jesus could not have participated in creation. The Gnostics also taught that Jesus only became the Savior when the Spirit of the Messiah decended on Him at His baptism and that the Spirit left the human Jesus on the cross at His death.

John wants to make it clear that Jesus was a part of the Godhead Trinity from the very beginning and that He was the Messiah before time was created. Even though Jesus' role at creation is a mystery, I think there is no doubt that He was and is Lord of Creation.

But the greater mystery is that the God who created the universe and everything we see, is also the God who cried out from the manger in His mission to redeem our broken lives.

How does it make you feel to think that the God who created the universe became a baby so that you could be saved?

Prayer Emphasis: Ask God today to give you a sense of wonder at the mystery that the God who created the galaxies came to earth as a baby to save you from the punishment of your sins.

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