Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Not by birth, but by rebirth

This past Sunday, we talked about three misconceptions about the kingdom of God that Jesus was trying to refute in John Chapter 3..

Each one of these misconceptions rings suprising true today as it did 2000 years ago.

1. If you are born into a Christian family, then you are immediately accepted into the kingdom of God and will be going to heaven.

To be a Jew is a unique thing because a a person is Jewish by both race and religion. You a born Jewish. You can choose to be faithful to Judaism or you can choose not to be, but you will always be a  Jew.

The Jewish people believed that they were literally born into God's family simply because the Jewish people were God's chosen people. Certainly Nicodemus would have had a similar mindset in his conversation with Jesus. And yet, Jesus changes the rules on him. 

Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” John 3:3 NIV

Jesus told Nicodemus plainly that his earthly position had no standing in eternity. It wasn't his earthy identity that would gain him heaven, it was his spiritual identity, a rebirth of sorts.

Some people have similar ways of thinking here in the 21st century. 

Some believe because their grandmother or mom or another relative was very religious that this person would "cover" everyone in the family. People will say things like "Granny Fae is the most spiritual person I know...she has us all covered in this family." While this sounds logical, the Bible teaches otherwise. Consider John 14:6...

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 NIV

Each person is responsible for his or her faith and no one else can cover for you. Just because your mom or dad or grandparents were faithful to God doesn't mean you get a free pass into heaven. You must have a personal relationship with Jesus in order to know that you will have eternal life with Him and heaven.

Are you hoping you will make it into heaven based on someone else's faith? Have you suurendered your heart and life to Jesus?

If you have not already committed your life to Christ, pray today asking Jesus to come and be the Lord and Leader of your life.

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