Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Great Call-What have we missed?

As we continue to think about this great call that God placed in Abram's life, we have to remember that have many advantages that Abram did not have. 

Each morning, we can make a cup of joe, open our Bibles and journals, and draw our hearts close to God through prayer an scripture meditation. As believers living in the golden age of the Holy Spirit, we have the Spirit who speaks to us "teaching us all things". When we need spiritual guidance and counsel, we can easily make a phione call or meet with someone who has walked with God much longer than we have.

Now let's consider Abram. He lived before there was any written scripture at all. We know that Moses wrote the Torah (The first five books of the Bible) and Moses lived many generations AFTER Abram. Although God had spoken to men who lived before Abram (namely Noah), It had been since the garden of Eden that God had walked in relationship with His creation.

Yet, here was Abram dealing with a profound voice from an unseen God calling him to leave everything he knew and to follow His guidance to a land of promise. 

I can't speak for you, but in many ways I envy Abram. He may not have had the Bible, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, or the benefit of spiritual mentors, but Abram spoke with God Himself.

Because none of these things were available to Abram, the scriptures teach that God appeared directly to Abram and spoke deeply into his heart. What an amazing experience that must have been!!! If you doubt it, just consider the results.

God appeared to Abram and called him into a deeper walk of faith and trust in Him. The scriptres tell us that Abram believed so strongly in God's call that he responded with obedience and lefy all he knew to journey to a new land filled with God's promises.

I imagine that Abram looked forward to His meetings with God and wondered when God would appear to him next.

We don't have to wait or wonder. We have God's word, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the time and availablity to seek God everyday. 

Do we make the most of this or do we waste our opportunities each day by being unfaithful to spend time with God each day? What have we missed because we haven't been faithful to spend time with Him each day?

If it has been a while since you talked with God, why don't you spend some time with him right now?

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