Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Practicing His Presence-Free to Serve Part 2

As we consider the spiritual practice of serving God, we have to eliminate all preconceived notions about what servitude truly is in our Christian walk with Christ.

We live in a culture that long ago abolished the institution of slavery. As a result, our mind rejects the idea that we could be considered a slave or servant of Christ.

While the idea of forced slavery is abhorrent to our minds, the idea of being a servant to a great master has been part of human living since the beginning of civilization. The Bible itself does not discount servitude but rather uses the position as a way to view our relationship with Christ.

We are His servant and He is our Master. This isn't a forced slavery but rather a willing surrender to the One who has redeemed our heart.

Consider three thoughts on being a willing servant of Christ...

1. Serving God begins with an UPWARD LOOK to God.

I lift my eyes to you, O God, enthroned in heaven. Psalm 123:1 NLT

As a servant bows before the Master in submission, we bow before Christ and lay our lives at His feet. We raise our eyes and gaze into His radiant face. He is not our peer and thus is not found beside us. He is not ours to command and thus is not found below us. But rather, He is our master and is enthroned above us. We raise our hearts and eyes to the heavens and place our hope in Him.

This beautiful relationship then becomes the basis for my service to Him. I serve Him willingly and passionately because of what He has done for me. He is truly all encompassing Savior.

Questions: Do you view yourself as a servant of Christ? Have you willingly surrendered all to His authority in your life? What keeps you from giving Him your all?

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