Monday, April 25, 2016

Practicing His Presence-Guided By Prayer Part 1

Over the past few weeks, we have been exploring the idea that growing in our relationship is like learning the steps to dance we dance with God.

I was inspired to think this way when I read about an idea from the Eastern Orthodox Church called "Perichoresis". This term denotes the idea that the Trinity-God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit-exists together in such a relationship that is much like a dance. In turn when we begin to learn to walk deeply in our walk with God, we also "dance" with God.

This series, "Practicing His Presence", focuses on the idea that the disciples and followers of Jesus spent the 40 days following the resurrection enjoying the presence of the risen Lord Jesus before His ascension into heaven.

How can we do the same? By learning spiritual disciplines, or dance steps, that help us walk more closely with God. So far we have learned the steps of repentance, worship, and scripture meditation. This past Sunday, we explored the steps of living a life guided by prayer.

While prayer seems like the most obvious of disciplines, many have shared with me how difficult it is to push beyond shallow prayers filled with repetition derailed by distraction.

Follow throughout the week as we consider the why, how, what, and why of prayer.

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