Friday, June 6, 2014

Remembering the heroes of D-Day

Read 2 Kings 3:1-5:27

On June 6, 1944, in the largest military land invasion during World War 2 and in the history of the world for that matter, the Allied forces breached Nazi Europe in what signaled the beginning of the end for the  Nazi forces. This invasion, known as Operation Overlord, involved 150,000 men, 5000 ships, and 11,000 airplanes. 

Years of planning, training, and preparation went into this day, now known as D-Day. With so many moving parts invloved, how did everything work so well together?

Simple obedience to the mission.

Each man had specific orders that were a crucial part of the operation. The commitment of the Allied servicemen to be faithful to their role in the mission won the day. No one demanded a bigger or more important role than their rank would give. Running on Normandy beach that morning one single man could not have been able to see the big picture. But with tens of thousans of men staying true to the plan, the Allied Forces were on their way victory inover the Nazis.

Learning to know and understand one's place and to be obedient to the authorities God has placed in a person's life is an important part of growing up.  "Yes Ma'am" and "No Ma'am" and "Yes sir"  and "No Sir" are some of the most important words a child ever learns to say. 

In this passage, a man named Naaman seems that he hasn't learned any of these lessons. Naaman was an important commander who had been struck with leprosy. Through a servant girl, he learns that there is a prophet of God in Israel who can cure him of his leposy. He comes to see Elisha, but Elisha doesn't personally come out to see him, he sends a servant with specific instructions.

Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.” But Naaman went away angry and said, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy." I Kings 5:10-11 NIV

The commander came seeking healing but refused to follow orders and be obedient to the mission Elisha gave him. Thinking that he was mnore important than he was, Naaman first went away angry because he felt like he had been disrespected by Elisha.

God created you for a special purpose and mission. The Bible is your manual for this life mission. Each and every new day, you must make a decision to be obedient to God's word and stay true to your mission or to disregard your calling and live for yourself. This may be fun for a season, but ultimately you will fail the mission God has given you.

What is the mission God has given you for your life? What is your specific calling?

If the Bible is you mission manual, how obedient are you to the intructions God has given you?

Prayer Emphasis: Ask God today to reveal more of His plan for your life to you. Surrender to this plan and commit to be faithful to the instructions God has given you in the Bible.

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