Thursday, January 2, 2014

Our Primary Resolution

As enter into the new year, Downtown Devotions returns full-time after a break for the holiday season. As we look forward in 2014, there is much to be excited about! 

God is clearly at work among us at Downtown Fellowship as each week we are blessed by His presence. Looking back at 2013, it is awesome to think of all God has done in our church this past year. From transition of leadership, to the expansion of ministy, to the launch of our second service at 9:00am, it is obvious that we have been richly blessed with God's leadership and guidance every step of the way.

We have seen growth not only numerically in both services but I sense a renewed hunger among us to know God more deeply and to see His kingdom alive among us. After all, this is God's destiny for each of become more and more like Jesus each day.

For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son..those He predestined, He also called; those He called, Healso justified; those Hejustified, He also glorified.  Romans 8:29-30 NIV

So let us all recommit to be 'conformed into the image" of Jesus during this new year...let this be our primary resolution-to bring God glory with our lives an to help bring other to experience His redeeming love.

I am privileged to be the lead pastor here at Downtown Fellowship and so thankful to serve at a church that believes in prayer, that loves as Jesus has called us to love, and that desires to see God work miracles among us that we could never take credit for!

Thank You God for blessing us beyond measure this past year. Please come and take Your throne among us during this next year. Work Your miracles among us! Yes, Lord Jesus, come! Amen.

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