Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Great Promise-Struggling with Doubt

Sometimes the historical accounts in scripture leave so much up to our imaginations. The account of the life of Abram is no exception. This past weekend, we took a close look at Genesis 15 where we find Abram seemingly doubting God's promises.

The chapter opens with "After these things...". This is an important detail for the story. What are "these things"? The answer is found in Genesis chapters 12,  13 and 14. In these chapters, Abram flees to Egypt to escape a famine in the promised land to save his neck, lies that his wife is his sister to save his neck, parts ways with his nephew Lot to save his family's neck, and then has to go on a military campaign in to order to save Lot's neck from the kings of Sodom.

Apparently all of this "neck saving" rattled Abram to his very soul because chapter 15 opens with God speaking to Abram "Do not be afraid Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward."

This is one of those places where we need to read between the lines of scripture. On first glance we are more drawn in by Abram's complaints than God's attempts at calming his soul. To me though, I am more deeply touched by God insistence in trying to calm Abram's fears. Abram's heart was gripped with fear and he was paralyzed by the thought that maybe he had heard God wrong.

Can you relate to this? I sure can. I can look back on more than one season where fear and uncertainty dominated my heart. It wasn't logical or rational, I knew the promises of God to be true, and yet I was traumatized by the panic that can come by asking to many "what ifs". I can attest that once this cycle gets started, it is hard to stop. I think that is why God's gentleness with Abram's heart speaks so deeply to mine.

Abram was seemingly stuck in an endless cycle of fear and doubt and doubt and fear. God simply (in not so many words) says, "Calm down Abram. I've got this. I am more powerful than your doubt. You can trust in Me."

Do you need to hear this today? Lately have you found yourself stuck in a cycle of doubt and fear?

Put your name in this statement, "Calm down ___________. I've got this. I am more powerful than your doubt. You can trust in Me." Let God speak this to you now.

Go back and read over Genesis 15 and let God's words to Abram speak to your heart today. Let God be your "very great reward."