Thursday, January 29, 2015

New Sermon series starts this Sunday!!

This Sunday, we are beginning a new sermon series called "Meant To Be". 

"Meant to Be" is a three week series about relationships, our relationships with God, our mates, and each other.

Week 1-Meant to Be Alive-exploring our relatiosnhip with God
Week 2-Meant to Be Together-exploring our relationship with our mate
Week 3-Meant to Be Loved-exploring our relationship with each other

To get started for this coming Sunday, begin to think about the following questions.

Are you the person God created you to be and meant for you to be?

Are you living life to the fullest...are you truly alive?

This Sunday is also "Jersey Sunday"...wear you favorite NFL team's jersey to service this week.

See you soon!!

Pastor Mark